Department of Revenue Announces 2023 PFD Amount

Department of Revenue Announces
2023 Permanent Fund Dividend Amount
Thursday, September 21, 2023 (Juneau, AK) – Today the Department of Revenue announced the calculation of the 2023 Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) as $1,312. The amount allocated for the dividend has been determined each year since 2016 by the Alaska Legislature.
The amount of the 2023 PFD was calculated by utilizing the amount available for distribution from the Permanent Fund earnings account and dividing it by the number of eligible applicants. For the 2023 PFD, the Legislature allocated $881,521,963 for distribution. Over 600,000 Alaskans have already been determined eligible.
“The 2023 PFD marks the 42nd year Alaskans have received their share of the state’s natural resource wealth. I would like to thank our Permanent Fund Dividend Division for their tireless work year-round in administering the program and processing the applications,” said Department of Revenue Commissioner Adam Crum. “This year, we processed over 8,000 more applications than in 2022. The 2023 PFD will inject nearly $1 billion into the state’s economy and directly into the hands of Alaskans.”
For 2023 PFD applications that were filed electronically, requested direct deposit, and are in "Eligible-Not Paid" status as of September 21, 2023, payment will be disbursed on October 5, 2023.
For 2023 PFD applications that are in "Eligible-Not Paid" status as of October 18, 2023, payment will be disbursed on October 26, 2023. This includes 2023 paper and electronic applications, requested direct deposit and check payments.
Alaskans are encouraged to use the state’s website, MyPFD, to check the status of their PFD application.