Welcome Deputy Commissioner Fadil Limani to DOR

Mar 8, 2023, 11:36 AM by Department of Revenue Office of the Commissioner

I am pleased to announce that Fadil Limani has joined the Department of Revenue as Deputy Commissioner, effective Thursday January 5, 2023.

DC Limani has an extensive background in tax, accounting, and finance, graduating from UAA’s accounting program and then working for KPMG for nearly five years before moving on to be Deputy Director of Finance for the North Slope Borough for seven years. While at the Borough, he worked on all elements of finance including Financial Reporting, Borough’s Bond Sales, Debt Service, Property tax, managing the Borough’s Central Treasury Investments and the Permanent Fund Investments including the Borough’s Annual Financial Statement Audits and the Borough’s 12-year financial forecast.

After his role with the Borough, he started his own consulting business where he contracted with the North Slope Borough School District as the CFO for nearly 3 years.

He is Anchorage-based, and his email is dor.com.scheduling@alaska.gov

I’m honored that he wants to bring his expertise to DOR.

Please join me in welcoming him to the Department. 


ADAM CRUM | Commissioner

Alaska Department of Revenue