Administrative Services Division

The Administrative Services Division (ASD) of the Department of Revenue (DoR) provides centralized core support services to DoR and its affiliated boards, corporations, and authorities so that each entity may focus their staff resources toward accomplishing their respective program goals.  The mission of the Administrative Services Division is to provide efficient, cost-effective, and customer-focused administrative, financial, budget, HR, and procurement services to the Department of Revenue.


Janelle Earls, Director
Phone: 907-465-1009

The ASD Director oversees the division's operations and assesses mission fulfillment and workloads as they relate to each section's core services.  The ASD Director also provides department-wide leadership with respect to the development and implementation of process improvement and performance measurement systems that enhance the quality, productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency of the Department of Revenue.

As a result of Administrative Order 302 in 12/2018, ASD directors now report to the Office of Management and Budget.  The purpose of AO 302 is to streamline and increase accountability of budget and policy administration within the Executive Branch of State government.


Administrative Management & Procurement Section

Kristie Ely, Admin. Operations ManagerDoug Standerwick, Procurement Specialist
Phone: (907) 465-2313Phone: (907) 465-3666

The core services of this section include procurement and contract administration, employee movement, business and administrative management, state property management, records management, timesheet administration, travel desk coordination, training, and assistance, and front desk and administrative support.


Budget Section

Adam Bryan, Division Operations Manager
Phone: (907) 465-2335

The core services of this section include budget planning, monitoring, implementation, and forecasting as well as legislative tracking and responses related to the operating budget and fiscal notes.


Fiscal Section

Robert Doremus, Finance Officer
Phone: (907) 465-2336

The core services of this section include financial accounting, transaction approval, and certifications, reimbursable service agreement development, billing, and allocation, and payable requests and invoices.


Human Resources Section

Angelica Johanson, Human Resource Manager
Phone: (907) 465-5438

The core services of this section include personnel management guidance, recruitment and hire approvals, employment law and EEO guidance, labor relations guidance, and employee performance evaluation reporting.